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Did you know that by sharing your testimony, you are actually positioning yourself for God to open doors of new opportunities in your life? It's true! In 1 Samuel 17:37, David declared that the Lord who delivered him out of the paw of the lion and the bear would also deliver him from the hand of the Philistine. And you know what? God came through for him! Just like He did for David, God wants to do great things in your life too. So don't be afraid to share your story, because through it, you never know what doors may open. Go forth with confidence, knowing that the Lord is with you just as He was with David.

Answer these three questions in your testimony.

1.  How was your life before connecting with this ministry?

2.  How is your life now that you have been connected?

3.  What would you tell someone that is thinking about connecting with David Arrey?

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